Connection Focused Therapy©

The Connection Focused Therapy© Training is a 3 modules professional training that  allows counselors, coaches and institutions to understand how the Autonomous Nervous System works – to help them help their clients and patients.

The CFT© (Connection Focused Therapy©) approach has been developed by Linda Kohanov and Dr Rebecca Bailey

In partnership with Linda and Rebecca, the CFT© Training has been developed by Anne Mathieu, Cécile Gilbert-Kawano and Josselien Janssens.


Discovery sessions

2,5 hours

  • 2023, March 3rd, 02:30 PM, Cudos (France, in French)
  • 2023, March 18th, 02:30 PM, Cudos (France, in French)


3 modules (third one is optional)
Level 1 (Essentials): 3 days
Level 2 (CFT Masterclass): 4 days
Level 3: equivalent to 3 days on 3 to 4 months

Next sessions in Belgium and France

CFT Level 1: The Essentials

  • 2023, March 23th to 25th, Essen (Belgium, in English)
  • 2023, June 2nd to 4th, Cudos (France, in French)
  • 2023, June 15th to 17th, Essen (Belgium, in English)

CFT Level 2: CFT Masterclass

  • September 7th to 10th, 2023, Essen (Belgium, in English)
  • September 20st (noon) to 24th, 2023, Cudos (France, in French)

CFT Level 3: Follow on, best practices and supervision

  • 2023, 3 to 4 months, live/presential and video-conf in English and French

To guide you on this journey:

Linda Kohanov

Linda Kohanov, bestselling author of five books, including The Tao of Equus (2001) and The Power of the Herd (2013), has worked with many mental health professionals over the years to provide equine-facilitated interventions for people in crisis. Since 2003, Linda has also trained over 300 professionals worldwide in the techniques she and her colleagues have developed since Eponaquest was founded in 1997 as a collective of counselors, educators and horse trainers. Her apprenticeship is now taught both in the USA as well as in Europe.

Note: Linda Kohanov will be teaching via Zoom from Arizona in the 2022 European edition of the workshop.

Rebecca Bailey

Rebecca Bailey, PhD, is a leading family psychologist and personal therapist. The founder of Transitioning Families, Dr. Bailey has worked with law enforcement and the FBI to raise awareness and sensitivity to the issues that victims of rape, kidnapping and other crimes face in surviving these extreme experiences, reuniting with their families and healing. She has worked with hundreds of individuals and families in crisis.

Note: Dr. Rebecca Bailey will be presenting the 2022 workshop in Europe in person.

Anne Mathieu

Creator of the “Riding the Tiger©” curriculum, Anne has been accompanying women and children who are victims of violence and all people who have suffered trauma or are in a situation of emotional fragility since 2014 by combining her behavioral expertise with horses and humans.

She is a trainer in stress management and emotional emergencies, an Eponaquest Instructor and a Somatic Experiencing© practitioner.

Cécile Gilbert-Kawano

Cécile Gilbert-Kawano accompanies people through co-development, emotional and relational intelligence, and somatic approach. She is an Advanced Eponaquest Instructor, a Somatic Experiencing© and SOMA Embodiment© practitioner. She likes to help people to “take back the reins of their life” (with or without horses) to facilitate their transformations and healing. She has more than 30 years of experience in training and coaching practice and is an hypnotherapist for more than 15 years.  She is working with horses since 12 years.
Cécile offers the Eponaquest Apprenticeship in France to people who wish to become Eponaquest Instructor. She co-facilitated the first European Healing the Herd – Connection Focused Therapy Workshop in Essen with Linda Kohanov in 2021

Josselien Janssens

Josselien works with teams of companies and organisations as trainer-coach in leadership development, teambuilding and personal growth through experiential learning with horses. 20 years ago, she was diagnosed with severe PTSD and has since then overcome it with the help of horses. This experience helps her coach others facing the same challenge.

Josselien is a former journalist/communication professional, Advanced Eponaquest Instructor, Medicine Horse Way Master Instructor. She offers the Eponaquest curriculum in the Netherlands and Belgium for professionals who wish to become equine facilitated coaches, trainers and therapists. She co-facilitated the first European Healing the Herd – Connection Focused Therapy Workshop in Essen with Linda Kohanov in 2021.


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